A random day in Brisbane

I originally sat down and wrote a blog post about Animal Liberation V’s Vegan Education from a neutral perspective, to give the reader an opportunity to make up their own mind.  Except, by the time that I had finished it neither position came out a clear winner to me.  I had managed to make a pretty convincing argument for both sides.

As I was sitting at a train station going over what I had written making the odd correction here and there, a fully laden cattle train rolled on by, heading for the Dinmore slaughterhouse.

Looking at all the sad and confused faces on the cattle that went by, and whilst we humans may think that they have no idea where they are going, you can see it in their eyes. They know that where they are going, can’t be a good place.  They were wet and probably cold because today was a wet and cold day in Brisbane, and there is no shelter from anything once they are loaded on to the cattle wagon.

It was a depressing and emotional thing to see the first wagon full of sentient beings looking out at you as they went past.  They are looking for someone that can explain to them what they did that was so wrong to deserve being treated like this.

Then the second wagon rolls by and all the eyes looking out at you between the horizontal bars have that look, that for those of us that have an affinity for animals is just too painful to bear, and it just reaches down into your soul.  The eyes were the same on the third, then the forth and every other wagon after that.

It was after the fifth or sixth wagon had gone past that the smell hit the station.  It was a putrid combination of urine and manure.  Usually, it is a stale smell, though because of today’s rain, it has a gruesome freshness about it, and you can even smell the fear that they are all feeling. A smell of fear from all the souls that will soon be lost because society is too hung up on the supposed taste of t-bones, hamburgers and milk products to even care about the fact that a life had to be extinguished for their taste buds.

By the time that the eighth wagon was in front of me, I could not stop the tears that were starting to roll down my cheek, nor did I actually want to.

Mustering the courage to hold my head up and not be ashamed of the tears that I am shedding for the innocent lives that are passing by me, I have a look up and down the platform. Of the approx 10-15 humans that were there, the only ones that were actually watching the train go by were two little children.  They were pointing at the wagons on the train and talking to their mother, who like the rest of the adults there, had all turned their heads away as if wracked by guilt on a subconscious level.

Now with the train long gone, and the lingering smell of what had just gone by fading, I started to think back to a few weekends ago.  To the joy that I felt whilst feeding a young bull calf nicknamed Freedom and how humbling it was to have my face licked by him.

We owe it to all the “Freedoms” in the world that will never be shown compassion or caring, and who’s life will be cut drastically short by being hoisted up by a chain tied around one of their hind legs, slowly suffocating in their own blood as it is drained from their body, to only promote veganism and to end the atrocities that will happen to them on a daily basis.

How are we going to end it? That is the million dollar question.  The one thing I do know for sure is that it won’t end by campaigning for better transport, living or slaughter conditions.

I can no longer justify going out for the sake of it or wasting time and/or money for no reason.

From this day forth, I am going to do whatever is within my power to promote the vegan message for as long as is humanly possible.

2 thoughts on “A random day in Brisbane”

  1. That was truely moving…I have always felt the same when I’ve seen the poor souls. Your article really captured the feelings I have. Thanks for your words


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