Will The Live Animal Trade Be Stopped By An Inquiry And Legislation?

Will The Live Animal Trade Be Stopped By An Inquiry And Legislation?
photo credit: DSC_5169 via photopin (license)

There is a brutal and cold hearted animal trade happen right now. A trade that is allowed to happen because so few are even willing to mention it’s existence.

We are distracted away from questioning the trade by campaigns to stop the live export of animals to overseas countries, and by demonising unscrupulous cat and dog breeders.

Every time we repeat the catchphrase Adopt, Don’t Shop we are condoning this trade, and accepting it’s brutality.

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How Do You Deal With “Abolitionist Vegans”?

Tami Jonas, an "ethical farmer" who is giving other farmers advice on how to deal with 'abolitionist vegans'. Source: Facebook
Tami Jonas, an ‘ethical’ pig farmer who gives advice on how to deal with ‘abolitionist vegans’. Source: Facebook

The ABC’s The Drum runs a regular opinion opportunity called Open Drum, where they ask for contributions from readers/viewers on a chosen topic. The most recent one was “ANIMAL EQUALITY: Why are some more equal than others?”

As could be expected, there were contributions from people on both sides of the topic, though one in particular stood out to me, hence the reason for this.

The piece in question is one written by Tammi Jonas, titled how to deal with vegan ‘abolitionists’, which appears to be a follow on from an earlier piece that she wrote for her own site, Tammi Jonas: Food Ethics, titled How to respond to vegan abolitionists.

While I usually don’t pay too much attention to these sorts of articles written by those within the industry, this one is interesting because according to the about page, Ms Jonas is a former vegetarian who became an ethical omnivore, and is now a pig farmer.

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What Does Justice Look Like To You?

Photo Credit: Scott* via Compfight cc
Photo Credit: Scott* via Compfight cc

Yesterday saw two simultaneous protests take place in Sydney and Canberra with participants demanding ‘justice’ for the pigs from Wally’s Piggery, and claiming that the RSPCA has blood on it’s hands due to the dropping of charges against WSL Investments Pty Ltd, Wally Perenc and Stefanie Perenc (referred to as  Wally’s Piggery).

Despite RSPCA NSW putting out two separate statements on the matter, they have fallen on deaf ears, and mob rule has now taken the place of natural justice.

Let Those Without Sin Cast The First Stone

[GARD]What appeared to be one of the most ironic moments of both protests was the crowd listening to words from Chris Delforce in Canberra, and Mark Pearson in NSW. Two people who probably have more blood on their hands than anyone else involved in this whole sorry saga.

Both of these people belong to organisations that were responsible for taking the footage, or releasing it to the media, or both. This hardly makes them qualified enough to pass judgement on the actions or inactions of RSPCA NSW. Especially considering that it was their actions that have lead us to where we are now.

We also seem to be forgetting that Mark Pearson was the one who was advocating that more slaughterhouses be built while campaigning for a Senate seat as part of the Animal Justice Party.

Any speech given by them, no matter how passionate, has only been done to shift the focus away from the part that they played, and attempt to absolve them of any guilt.

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Why Can’t I Eat Backyard Eggs?

Why Can't I Eat Backyard Eggs? - VeganPolice.com.au
Photo Credit: robstephaustralia via Compfight cc

A question that seems to be routinely asked in different ‘vegan’ groups is, “is it ok for a vegan to eat backyard eggs from their ‘rescued’ chickens?”

Like everything that happens within a group of people, there are some who believe that it is ok, and there are others who say that it isn’t.

With the consumption of those eggs being justified in all sorts of ways, the reality of the matter is that if you identify yourself as a vegan, then using those eggs is something that you shouldn’t be doing.

Why Can’t I Eat Backyard Eggs?

Eggs from backyard chickens shoulldn”t be consumed by vegans for a number of reasons, aside from them being an animal product, some of which are as follows:
# They are not ours to be consumed.
# Just because an egg is there, that doesn’t mean we can take it to use as we see fit
# If the hen says to you ‘please take my egg and do as you wish” by all means do what you want with them. Until then, don’t.
# By consuming eggs, even backyard ones, you are telling others that it is ok to consume eggs, so long as the hens are treated in a way that you are comfortable with.
# There is a level of cruelty involved even with keeping ‘rescued’ hens in your backyard, regardless of whether the eggs are consumed or not.


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Live Export Dramas. Again!

Live Export - Open up! It's The Vegan Police! - AusVegan.com.au
Photo Credit: Charles Henry via Compfight cc

Animals Australia prophesied that there would be problems with ‘Australian’ animals during this years Festival of Sacrifice. Sadly for the animals concerned, their prophecies came true. Which resulted in yet another expose on the ABC’s Lateline program.

Once again, a bunch of politicians are filling soundbites with token gestures of stopping live export, calling for licences to be revoked and so on.

Whilst the public have every right to be upset, will this ‘cruelty’ to animals stop if Australia withdraws from a multi-million dollar industry, or is this simply another bigoted campaign by an animal protection organisation who seem to be more intent on brand recognition than actually protecting animals?

Now before any gets all excited about this piece, let me set the record straight and say here and now that as a vegan who believes that all sentient beings should be given equal consideration, it is my belief that ANY trade in animals, whether dead or alive is abhorrent, and something that needs to be stopped.

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Hugo Doesn’t Deserve To Die, Though Neither Do Countless Other Animals

The hypocrisy with which humans view other animals has gained international attention once again. This time it revolves around a families alleged love for their pet Shar Pei, Hugo. Hugo is a pet of Billinger family, who have been issued with a destruction order by Gold Coast City Council. Obviously being upset that their beloved … Read more