Thought Experiments. Are They A Tool Of The Ineffective

Thought Experiments. Are They A Tool Of The Ineffective? The buzzwords of vegan-ISH and the reducetarians at the moment are strategy and effectiveness. To prove how effective and strategic the pundits are, they fall back to thought experiments to justify their position. It is time that we ask the question. Thought experiments. Are they an … Read more

Lasagne, Veggie Burgers, and Other Gotcha’s

At some point during your time as a vegan you will be given a test your level of vegan-ness. Choosing option A leads you to consuming animal products. Option B reinforces some social stereotype / causes your death / leads to Trump becoming president The test is a hypothetical, and was once presented by those who aren’t vegan. … Read more

Duck Shooting. Sport or Slaughter

Duck Shooting. Sport or Slaughter -
Photo Credit: Castaway Lodge via Compfight cc

It’s that time of year again where shooters and animal advocates are in the midst of a war of words over the start of this year’s duck shooting season.

Animal advocates call duck shooting, “duck killing” and “slaughter” while the shooters themselves call it a “sport”, “legitimate practice” and “recreational pastime or activity”.

Both sides are intent on demonising the other, branding them with labels like “barbarian”, “bloodthirsty”, “out of touch” and “ignorant”

If we put emotion and rhetoric aside, it is a clear-cut case of one side is right while the other is wrong, or are the lines blurred a little?

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The Animal Justice Party And “Personhood”

Animal Justice Party logo source: facebook

In what has to be one of the saddest days for the animals I have seen in a long time, fledgling political party, the Animal Justice Party, has succumbed to the same infliction that strikes a majority of so-called micro parties.

Aiming for the famed ‘viral post’ on social media by saying anything that will get clicks/likes/shares.

By attempting the viral post, the powers that be within the Animal Justice Party have shown how little they actually understand the big picture issues.

They have also ensured that nothing they do from now on can or should be taken seriously.

By anyone!

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Francione Or Bust

Do As I Say. Not As I Do
Do As I Say. Not As I Do

Sadly for the animals and veganism in general, there seems to be a growing number of people being hoodwinked into the teachings of the exalted one.

Before becoming ordained into that ministry, you must adhere to six principles.

Thankfully, much like the Seven Commandments in Orwell’s Animal Farm, there are unwritten escape clauses to these Principles.

Principle One

Abolitionists maintain that all sentient beings, human or nonhuman, have one right—the basic right not to be treated as the property of others.

Escape clause
If that nonhuman animal is a “rescue”, you are morally obliged to own them, keep them in captivity, use as props on Skype chats, and so on, because you are doing this in their best interests. Supposedly…

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