FAQ – Answers to questions that shouldn’t be asked

It is a sad indicator of the state of this ‘movement’ that I have even thought about writing this post in the first place.

While I do expect narrow minded comments on the things that I write, what has annoyed me the most was a troll who came to my personal facebook profile and demanded to know what my AUTHORity was to be able to make a comment about anything vegan related.

This troll claimed it was his ‘path’ that lead him to me.

Though once he found out, he deleted his comments and went back to hide in the hole he came from.

So, to save me having to repeat myself time and time again, here are the answers to the most common ‘questions’ I get asked.

If you are reading this post because you want to know the answers, shame on you for even thinking they needed to be asked in the first place.

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