Hunting causes heart attacks…

Here is another reason for those “conservationists” who go deer hunting to quit. A study at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oaks, Michigan, reported in the American Journal of Cardiology 15 July 2007. Has found that hunting can cause heart attacks.

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$cience playing God to help “farmers”

Once again, $cience is going to play “God” with animals, all with the aim of making them more profitable for the farmer.

Come on seriously. When is the human race going to realise that we are the caretakers of this planet, and we shouldn’t be stuffing around in areas that we have no right to.

Take this latest report, for example.

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Brisbane’s ‘Ekka

Well today is “People’s Day” and Brisbane’s ‘Ekka.
According to news reports, there was a good level of attendance today, and RNA people were gloating about how goor it was to see a crowd and stuff like that. The segment on Channel 10 says that the RNA charges stall holders approx $2,000.00 per square metre a week in rent. Then ontop of that they increased the prices for entry, food, etc. Supposedly this little day out will cost the average family over $300.00 in total.

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RSPCA Qld and an RSL…

Having a look at the RSCPA’s website about it’s corporate partners, there are a few of them that should raise some serious concerns and questions. The RSPCA is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Yet as we have a look at the corporate partners, there are some that are involved in the cruelty of animals, whether it be directly or indirectly.

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Reply to Austin of Sundrip

Hi there Austin,

First of all thank you for your comments, I do appreciate the feedback.
There are a few points that I would like to reply to.

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Top 10 justifications for still eating animals

I have heard pretty much all of the arguments that narrow minded people can come up with.

Here is a list of them, and my reply…

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Even family radio does it…

The other day, 10 August 2007, I was channel surfing around a few different radio stations, when I settled down to listen to a few songs on Brisbane’s 96.5FM. This radio station is promoted as being family friendly, with a positive message and all that sort of warm and fuzzy kinda stuff.

Anyway, the morning presenter, Tanya Gordon, was doing her show “Live from the ‘Ekka” and was interviewing some young girls that lived on a farm and were “cow-hands”. They were waffling about what they do on the farm and general chit chat, then Tanya asked if they had ever been fallen off their horse. One of the girls said yes she had, then one of them mentioned that they were almost trampled by a bull. This was when the talking head decided to say that she almost got stood on by a cow moving backwards in the stall that it was in, while she was looking at them at this years ‘Ekka. To make matters worse for her, she also made the comment “People think cows are these docile creatures…they can be quite viscous when they want to”.

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