Hate Speech And Vegan Activism

James McWilliams wrote a piece on hate speech where he says the following.

But if anything here is clear it’s that language is all too easily used to forge sick cultures of hatred under the guise of normal. People who speak this way about sentient beings who, for all their power, lack the ability to fight narratives with counter-narratives (and thus have no truck in our big verbal mud sling), should have their right to use their words severely curtailed. Their hatred and insensitivity is that blatant. It has no place in civilized society.

Whilst he was referring to hunters and their use language to describe the violent acts they are committing on other animals, it could just as easily be used to describe the language some vegans use when talking about those who are not.

There seems to be an increasing number of people who resort to all sorts of obscenities when leaving comments on facebooks posts.

Somewhere along the path of our ‘awakening’ we seem to have conveniently forgotten that once upon a  time, we were exactly the same as the person who is now copping the brunt of our verbal assault.

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